Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack v19.1.8677.41286 Full Free

Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack is a leading help authoring and content management tool used by technical writers to develop documentation and online help systems. Flare provides functionality to author, manage, and publish various types of documentation including HTML5, WebHelp, PDFs, Word, and more.

MadCap Flare 2021 R2 Crack is the newest version released in October 2021. It contains major feature additions and enhancements focused on improving the authoring experience. Some of the most notable new features include:

  • Native text-to-speech functionality to add audio narration
  • Improved styling, data linking, and accessibility for charts
  • Tighter integration with GIT source control
  • Live preview for CSS edits
  • Additional accessibility features

Below we cover these new capabilities and other key things you need to know about Free download MadCap Flare 2021 R2.

Top New Features in Download free MadCap Flare 2021 R2

MadCap Flare 2021 R2 Crack contains over 130+ net new features to help streamline and enhance authoring workflows. Here are some of the most impactful capabilities:

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One of the biggest new features is native text-to-speech functionality. This allows authors to automatically convert text from topics into narrated audio clips. The synthesized audio recordings can then be embedded directly into output for an immersive reader experience.

Key advantages of text-to-speech:

  • Adds audio narration without manual recording
  • Improves accessibility for visually impaired users
  • Provides multi-modal learning with audio + text
  • Supported in PDF, WebHelp and HTML5 outputs

Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack includes high-quality voices in over 50 languages powered by Amazon Polly. You can configure speech settings like voice, speaking rate, volume and more. Audio clips are synced dynamically with text so any content updates are reflected in the narration.

Enhanced Chart Authoring

Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack introduces major improvements for authoring, styling, and formatting charts. New additions include:

  • Combo and waterfall chart types
  • Control chart data formatting
  • Import data from Excel
  • New styling like gradients and data point icons
  • Accessible alt text for charts

These features make it easier to create engaging, informative charts without having to build them externally. Authors have more flexibility over chart design and can use Excel to manage data. Accessibility is improved by adding alt text.

Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack

Tighter Git Integration

Source control integration with Git is now deeper in Flare 2021 R2 Crack. Key enhancements include:

  • Save snapshots of project commits
  • Pull and push changes from Git repos
  • View diffs to compare file changes
  • Open projects from Git repositories
  • Terminology updates to align with Git

This provides a smoother Git workflow natively within the Flare interface. You don’t need to switch between programs to push/pull changes, view diffs, or create commits.

Live CSS Preview

A new live preview feature lets you view CSS changes in real-time without having to rebuild output. As you tweak styling, the preview pane dynamically updates to reflect changes. This speeds up styling iterations.

Additional CSS improvements:

  • Create custom CSS classes and IDs
  • Copy/paste multiple CSS rules
  • Improved CSS rule management
  • Format multiple selectors

Authors can work faster with CSS thanks to live preview and better editing tools.

Expanded Accessibility

Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack introduces new accessibility capabilities:

  • Adds support for WCAG 2.1 compliance
  • Includes alt text functionality for images
  • Improves screen reader support
  • Adds 508 compliance enhancements

These features help ensure documentation meets modern accessibility standards. With alt text, screen reader optimization, and WCAG 2.1 support, Flare-authored content is more usable for users of all abilities.

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Other Notable New Features

  • Variable types and conditional functionality
  • Links can be re-used via master page
  • Search supports wildcards and phonetics
  • New built-in skin themes
  • UI updates like bookmarks and file comparisons

Text-to-Speech in Full version crack MadCap Flare 2021 R2

The addition of integrated text-to-speech is one of the biggest advances in Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack. This feature allows authors to convert the text from topics into narrated audio clips with synthesized speech.

The audio recordings are then saved directly in the content files. They can be enabled in published output types like PDF, WebHelp, and HTML5. When the end user accesses these outputs, the narration auto-plays to vocally guide the user through the documentation.

Supported Voices and Languages

Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack uses advanced neural network voices powered by Amazon Polly text-to-speech technology. This includes 79 high-fidelity voices in over 50 languages.

Popular languages like English and Spanish have multiple voice options. You can choose a voice based on speaking style and gender. This flexibility allows you to pick the ideal narration voice.

Below are some example English voices:

  • Joanna – female, crisp and clear enunciation
  • Matthew – male, smooth calming voice
  • Kendra – female, lively and energetic

Most common languages are included. The full list is available on from our site.

Configuring Text-to-Speech Settings

You configure text-to-speech settings at both the project and target levels. This allows you to specify different narration styles for each output if needed.

In the Flare project editor, text-to-speech options include:

Voice: The spoken voice used for narration

Speaking Rate: The speed at which text is read

Volume: The loudness of narration audio

Sentence Pause: Length of pause between sentences

Amazon Polly Settings: Advanced speech settings like pronunciation

These controls let you customize the cadence, accent, volume, and speed of the generated audio narration.

Adding Audio to Topics

To add audio to a topic, you use the new text-to-speech toolbar in Flare. You first highlight the content you want to narrate, then click Generate Audio. This will convert the text into an MP3 recording using the configured voice and speech settings.

The audio clip is embedded directly into the topic. You can regenerate it anytime to update the narration. Additional TTS controls let you insert breaks, silence, pronunciations, etc.

Use Cases and Benefits

Some examples where text-to-speech enhances documentation:

  • Visually impaired users – Audio narration improves accessibility for blind or low vision users. They can listen to documentation.

  • Hands-free usage – Listen to docs voiced aloud while driving or exercising.

  • Multi-modal learning – Combining audio and text caters to different learning styles.

  • Long-form docs – Adding audio makes it easier to consume lengthy text-heavy documents.

  • Onboarding – Oral narration helps train new users via interactive tutorials.

  • Automated publishing – Auto-convert docs to audio podcasts and audiobooks.

Text-to-speech enables new hands-free and accessibility use cases. The addition in Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack saves authors from complex manual recording.

Improved Chart Authoring

MadCap Flare 2021 R2 Crack introduces a variety of enhancements that make it easier for authors to incorporate charts and graphs into documentation.

New features reduce the need for external image editors by letting you create, style, and configure charts directly within Flare. Some key improvements include:

New Chart Types Added

Two new chart types are now supported:

  • Combo charts – Combine column and line graphs into one chart to show different data sets and metrics.

  • Waterfall charts – Illustrate how an initial value increases and decreases through a set of changes. Useful for visualizing financial statements.

These increase the visualization flexibility compared to past versions. You may be able to retire some custom charts built externally.

Chart Styling and Formatting

More styling and formatting options are available for tweaking chart appearance:

  • Control colors, gradients and patterns
  • Configure data point icons like circles, squares, etc.
  • Set label positions around charts
  • Manage chart sizing and aspect ratios
  • Change line and bar sizes
  • Rotate axis text for readability

The styling depth allows creating more visually engaging charts tailored to your brand and content needs.

Sourcing Data from Excel

Rather than entering data manually, you can now import chart data from an Excel file. Just connect the spreadsheet, then select which sheet ranges will populate given charts.

This technique saves time and reduces errors. Furthermore, the chart data remains dynamically linked to the source Excel worksheet. If you update the sheet, charts in Flare automatically update as well.

Madcap Flare 2021 R2 Crack

Accessibility Improvements

Accessibility for charts is enhanced by automatically adding alt text descriptions. The alt text summarizes the chart contents for vision impaired users relying on screen readers. Flare generates recommended alt text, but authors can customize it.

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